Sunday, 6 December 2009

Dance for the Gods, Documentary film about Pendet Dance

Pendet Dance is one of the nation's wealth Indonesian culture, one of the millions ancestors' cultural heritage Indonesia, we proudly continue to maintain and preserve this cultural art,
still remember clearly the events of malaisia claim Pendet Dance and other arts of the Nation Indonesian Culture, however, should not make Indonesian people nervous , even with something like that Indonesia is more concerned nations to continue to preserve the culture,

appearance incidence Pendet dancers pose in a promo visit malaisia much controversy, now Discovery channel has made a film Documentary, which reveals the true story of the creation of Pendet dance, think artists copyright bali, Indonesia national artists, this form of dance clarification about claims by other nations ,

I again feel proud to take part in this movie, I made a graphic title for the documentary film titled "Dancing for the Gods"
for discovery channel class, this graphic process through many revisions, I will show all the motion graphics from the beginning, but for the final outcome I can not show, because this documentary film has not officially launched, please wait,,

Documentary Film "Dance for the Gods" was presented by, Discovery Channel Singapore in collaboration with HJ Production ..

Samsung E1107, the solar energi cellphone finaly lounch in Indonesia

development of increasingly rapid technological gadget, any gadget manufacturers compete to create a new breakthrough in attracting consumers to have their products, now samsung mobile breakthroughs technology present in environmentally friendly technology with the advanced solar cell, has attended the first solar-powered mobile phone in Indonesia, samsung E1107, will enliven competition gadget industry in Indonesia,

I am a gadget lover, proudly participated had the opportunity to make a motion graphic for this new product advertising
samsung E1107 , technology in your hand !!!

while I show them the layout of motion graphics, because it is still in the process of revision,

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Work for infrastructure asia 2010

Infrastructure Asia 2010 is Asia's premier infrastructure forum and the exclusive private sector interface with the upcoming “Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Public & Private Partnerships for Infrastructure Development (APMC PPP 2010)”.

An exclusive B2B and B2G exhibition and conference, IA 2010 offers an unparalleled platform for governments, businesses and leading experts to meet, discuss and find solutions for the prioritization, procurement and presentation of existing and future infrastructure projects in Asia Pacific.

I had the opportunity to create promotional media tvc for Infrastructure Asia 2010, it is very interesting, but for the big event in Asia Pacific level, not an easy struggle, accounting for nearly 7 times the revision, however, I feel proud that my first tvc , is for international level, that's cool, doesn't it????,,,,,, he he he

isfrastructureasia sponsored by lovells LLp, with Bloomberg's official television media partner and The Wall Street Journal, Hosted by The Government of The Republic of Indonesia, for more information about Infrastructure Asia 2010, click

check it out......

Monday, 28 September 2009

Ubud Festifal 2009

It's not really awesome, but, just want tell u that in ubud is have very much traditional Culture, enjoy traveling in ubud, u can see the traditional culture, Puri ubud castle, Beautiful Temple, And many interesting place, that build up your new sensation,.
please visit Ubud, and the other beautiful place in bali

Monday, 24 August 2009

Beauty of Life

Haaaa , may be not so really awesome, but I think it little bit nice, the graphic for beauty of life, Tv program in Trans 7, that's was sort time project, yeah, but it's done, with hard work,,, check the video, I am sorry if there is no sound, because I just made the graphic, the sound was made by the professional sound engineering in Jakarta office, I just done my job desk, also watch on Trans 7

this is the promo, the video was uploaded by the editor of "Beauty of life", Gino Franky Silaban

Thursday, 30 July 2009

The Royal Pita Maha project

in the first project, I made abstudiozart title, but, that's just training, and now, the real project, that I made for Channel one project ( in house tv for the Royal Pita Maha Group Bali ) that's so nice.....

Thursday, 23 July 2009

The second abstudiozart promo

It's so nice work in after effect,now I play with starglow plug-in, looks nice, and so cinematic.
finally, it's done, the second promo.
Don't ask me about the color what I choose, I confess that I like the purple,that's the reason why I often use the purple tone, but don't judge me that I like girl color, it just nice to see it, purple make the stuff looks glamor, more elegant, and luxury...........

just enjoy,,,, okay...................

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Using Starglow,,, make your stuff looks cool

Friday, 10 July 2009

ab_studiozart motion graphic promo

Hi, talk about promo stuff, until now I just make one promo, that's not good, maybe I have already done a lot of graphic, but, they not I package in promo stuff, and now,,, that time is come, I presented my promo stuff, I showing in clouds motion, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Using traapcode particular and form, you know, trapcod it's really awesome to make cool stuff, litle bit like movie ha,, he he he, just kidding, that's just for spend my time, so, make something to training my skill, ...............

Sunday, 5 July 2009

ab-studiozart title ( after effect training )

just try something, nothing special , but not bed

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

abstudiozart noumber mesh

Just try render in number particle, for this one I try render with multipass render, the different is, the particle in previous video show some shake movement, looks like wiggle effect, but I'm not using that's expression, maybe the trouble is my computer is not enough strong to render, so i render three times, check the different

Thursday, 11 June 2009

ab_studiozart font particular mesh

Its really cool, in first time I think trapcode particular only can simulating particle standard, but it also can make costume particle, example costume with font particle, to make this stuff, u need trapcode particular plug-in, this sript;
(thisComp.height/2)] +
[Math.sin(time)*400, -
Math.cos(time)*200] + wiggle(1,100)
to make an orbit for the particle, you can change the value of math.sin / cos, according to the size of the desired orbital, and also you need Shine plug-in to create an animation effect of ab_studiozart in the end of video.

That's simple, but, it need more high computer performance, I render this videos almost 4 hour just for 14 second ( composition size 1280 x 720 / HD ), with core 2 quad processor. It makes a little peeved, maybe the computer is under virus attack or my composition is too big, I do not know .
However, I satisfied.... check the video ;

Monday, 18 May 2009

ab_studiozart form

work with plug-in it's awesome, they are many things we can make suppose for our job or just for fun, one important thing, we made that as good main,
I try to create abstudiozart title, as u know I never bored to do that.
a few days ago, I have seen in motion graphic website, that introduce me trapcode form, maybe to late for me to know trapcode form, but ,,, it's real, I just know that 4 days ago, .....
I try , ,, , it's awesome,

It's so powerful, I want you to try this one, don't forget play in your camera's depth of field, than you can have more beautiful video ...... like this ;

ab_studuiozart font mesh

I have seen a france film credit title , they make a style font fly random, but from the point of view they can make a word texts, I confused that time , of course so difficult, then I try to make it manually, make any posts in an after effect of each font with its different layers, so after a 3d mode I set the z position is randomly each letter. because of its position that the letter formed a disorderly any posts, so i made from behind , I made from the end of the timeline and slide the line to the beginning of time while the animate camera randome, so letters will fall apart . if you play in beginning time line , the earlier in a letter that can form a word text.

Thanks .............

ab_sttudiozart balinesse

I try something traditional, I love bali, this is a Patra (bali carving motif) who have modification, I must learn much more about art and culture of Bali, so I have the impression bali looks, ha ha, info about bali carving motif is difficult i search in google, guys, my brothers from bali , which is what da place What info source bali carving motif, share with me.

Thanks ab

Sunday, 17 May 2009


From Blogger Pictures
Hello all, my name Arya, I am a motion graphic artist, before I already have a blog that discusses more or less the same, on motion graphics, but I made in indonesia language version. It is also important for me to sharing with another motion graphic artist from outside of indonesia, the better quality, even the hollywood quality. for that I created a new blog, the more specific, showing better motion video, using the English language,

Hopefully you can share together in order to add more skills each

thanks .... arya