Monday, 18 May 2009

ab_sttudiozart balinesse

I try something traditional, I love bali, this is a Patra (bali carving motif) who have modification, I must learn much more about art and culture of Bali, so I have the impression bali looks, ha ha, info about bali carving motif is difficult i search in google, guys, my brothers from bali , which is what da place What info source bali carving motif, share with me.

Thanks ab


  1. kereeeeeeennnnnnnnn...
    tapi tutor na bagi dulu!!!
    ngak buat lagi bozz??
    pngin liat2 ar ada reperensi!!!
    cooll deh!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. thanks bayu, nie kan udah gw kasi tau theknik2 ny, tapi sama2 masih belajar juga, sma sama sharing aja,,, soal buatnya, ya maklum lah, gak bisa sering2 buat nya, kan gw ada kerjaan di kantor,, he e,, tetep sharing yah


plaese leave your coment,,, cheeerrrsss.......