Monday, 18 May 2009

ab_studiozart form

work with plug-in it's awesome, they are many things we can make suppose for our job or just for fun, one important thing, we made that as good main,
I try to create abstudiozart title, as u know I never bored to do that.
a few days ago, I have seen in motion graphic website, that introduce me trapcode form, maybe to late for me to know trapcode form, but ,,, it's real, I just know that 4 days ago, .....
I try , ,, , it's awesome,

It's so powerful, I want you to try this one, don't forget play in your camera's depth of field, than you can have more beautiful video ...... like this ;


  1. waduh...
    gila bozz..
    ajari plz!!!
    ni yg tak pingin2 dari waktu nih!!!
    ada tutor na kah???
    full scrip ato ngak??

  2. script nya gak ada, ini cuman make trapcode form yag displacment map nya make layer text dibawahnya, biar lebih bagus, mainin depth of field cameranya, udah diajarin kan ma pak joni soal depth of field..


plaese leave your coment,,, cheeerrrsss.......