Thursday, 23 July 2009

The second abstudiozart promo

It's so nice work in after effect,now I play with starglow plug-in, looks nice, and so cinematic.
finally, it's done, the second promo.
Don't ask me about the color what I choose, I confess that I like the purple,that's the reason why I often use the purple tone, but don't judge me that I like girl color, it just nice to see it, purple make the stuff looks glamor, more elegant, and luxury...........

just enjoy,,,, okay...................


  1. keren....keren.....tetap keren.... tpi klo boleh jujur, klo boleh yah, neh gw mau jujur boleh kan??? betul2 boleh kan? soalnya gw mau mengatakan sesuatu yg jujur boleh kan? pasti boleh kan? betul2 boleh kan? ga masalah kan gw berkata jujur? wew ==!
    ok sekarg gw katakan klo gw kurang sreg ama jenis font nya pokknya segala hal yg berkaitan ama font nya gw ga suka... baik warnanya, font nya, ..... wew =.=!

  2. trus Baeknya make jenis font apa ???

  3. u tanya gw? ga salah tuh? yakin u tanya gw? betul neh u tanya gw? trus gw tanya siapa ya? hihihihi
    ga tau itu jawaban gw,,,,hehehe
    yah klo menurut gw ga pas aja font nya ama graphis nya,,,"menurut gw yah" mkin pake font yg agak stilyst... yah begitulah...

  4. ok thanks, gw coba pilihin new font


plaese leave your coment,,, cheeerrrsss.......