Thursday, 30 July 2009

The Royal Pita Maha project

in the first project, I made abstudiozart title, but, that's just training, and now, the real project, that I made for Channel one project ( in house tv for the Royal Pita Maha Group Bali ) that's so nice.....

Thursday, 23 July 2009

The second abstudiozart promo

It's so nice work in after effect,now I play with starglow plug-in, looks nice, and so cinematic.
finally, it's done, the second promo.
Don't ask me about the color what I choose, I confess that I like the purple,that's the reason why I often use the purple tone, but don't judge me that I like girl color, it just nice to see it, purple make the stuff looks glamor, more elegant, and luxury...........

just enjoy,,,, okay...................

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Using Starglow,,, make your stuff looks cool

Friday, 10 July 2009

ab_studiozart motion graphic promo

Hi, talk about promo stuff, until now I just make one promo, that's not good, maybe I have already done a lot of graphic, but, they not I package in promo stuff, and now,,, that time is come, I presented my promo stuff, I showing in clouds motion, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Using traapcode particular and form, you know, trapcod it's really awesome to make cool stuff, litle bit like movie ha,, he he he, just kidding, that's just for spend my time, so, make something to training my skill, ...............

Sunday, 5 July 2009

ab-studiozart title ( after effect training )

just try something, nothing special , but not bed

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

abstudiozart noumber mesh

Just try render in number particle, for this one I try render with multipass render, the different is, the particle in previous video show some shake movement, looks like wiggle effect, but I'm not using that's expression, maybe the trouble is my computer is not enough strong to render, so i render three times, check the different